Friday, July 25, 2008

Technosanity #6: Hazards of U.S. nuclear power plants, part 2 (

Rebroadcast from Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project at Beyond Nuclear and former director of the Reactor Watchdog Project at Nuclear Information and Resource Service, illuminates the operation, disrepair and vulnerability of U.S. nuclear power plants. This episode also includes an excerpt from the 1983 Oscar-winning documentary, If You Love This Planet, which features Dr. Caldicott giving a lecture about the risks and consequences of nuclear war.

Hazards of U.S. nuclear power plants, part 2

Technosanity #5: Hazards of U.S. nuclear power plants, part 1 (

Rebroadcast from David Lochbaum, Director of the Nuclear Safety Project for the Union of Concerned Scientists, about the public health dangers of the 104 aging nuclear power plants in the United States. Hear about near-melt-downs, how terrorists could easily crash planes into the planes or sabotage them from the inside, and how the Nuclear Regulatory Commission fails to ensure community safety. Also includes a short excerpt of a lecture by Dr. Caldicott about the Nuclear Age from If You Love This Planet (1983 Academy Award-winning documentary) with narration from U.S. nuclear propaganda films.

This is the first in a series of broadcasts from Dr. Helen Caldicott. As they say, it is imperative that this show reach a large audience, not just in the U.S. but worldwide.

Hazards of U.S. nuclear power plants, part 1

Links:  Hazards of U.S. nuclear power plants, part 1 - Audio

Links:  Nuclear Safety Project for the Union of Concerned Scientists

Links:  If You Love This Planet (1983 Academy Award-winning documentary)
